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There are 4 versions of his life and death, in Coptic, Arabic, Syriac and Ethiopic. There are many written contemporary details of the life and martyrdom of St George. Studies of the development of the new testament gospels and oral tradition up to 325/6 AD can be bridged by the 2016  restoration (intensive care after  a series of earthquakes) of the Tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem when analysis of the mortar seating the “original” marble slab showed it to be from the 4th century. Pilgrim accounts (like Bernard of Germany , Theudemand of Italy and Stephen of Spain in 867AD) mention  St George sites as  “must visit” destinations.


A full account of the evidence for the life of St George, how he lies in the evidenced timelines of Christian belief (written and oral tradition) and supporting archaeology are detailed here If you accept the one you must consider the other.



A brief overview. All dates have known margins of error. The purpose of this timeline is to fit St George into the known history and archaeology of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and its relationship with JC. Debunking St George because of the lack of evidence of Dragons seems to be illogical. Grains of accepted truth and the residual bricks, stones and mortar of civilization assist in investigating the dust in which real life and legend exist. The tomb of St George and the tomb of JC existed within a short distance of each other and were on the Pilgrim trail side by side. The dragon, the True cross, the Ark and the Holy Lance along with a thousand other holy relics help us place and separate myth from legend from truth.



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around 3100 bc  Stonehenge

2630-2610 bc  the first dressed stone structures were built in Egypt. 

1000 - 500 BC Mayan and South American cities were constructed. 

Many theological and mystical traditions and practices are sourced in allegories and morality stories .

around 957 the 1st temple was built in Jerusalem. 


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924 King Athelstan holds articles of operative masonary for the building of cathedrals in England. 

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The ancient craft of stone masonry clearly existed in Pharaonic times.  and in many early civilisations and was handed down as a traditional skill over many centuries. 

Jerusalem Temple Mount 1118

1291 KTs defeated at Acre

1307 KT's  arrested by Phillip IV.


1400 The Halliwell manuscripts for Operative Masonary  

1450 Matthew Cooke manuscript

Free and accepted or speculative.

1550 the Dowland manuscript

1598 Lodge of Edinburgh

1599 Schaw statutes Scottish lodges.

1696 Scottish Edinburgh manuscript

Lodge Mother Kilwinning.

1712 First English lodge minutes.

1751 London Scottish and Irish lodges combine into the Ancients. 

1813 Ancient and moderns combine into United Grand Lodge of England.

1996 The Hiram key authors Lomas and Knight and Lomas 1997 postulate a continuity of ritual and practice from early Egyptian God theologies. 

1997 Andrew  Sinclair claims Freemasonary"s descent from Knight Templars. 


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