DNA analysis creates many resources to connect and reach back countless years but inevitably, individual tests create a multitude of complex presentations each suggesting over-simplified generic groupings. The science is very accurate but is processed and presented in what is at times simplistic formats and groupings. Even within a single company, results are “revisited” over several years as their database increases and their local clients seek or expect more plausible answers. There is a promotional bias in the language. By taking several DNA tests across different companies and aligning their results perhaps a clearer picture emerges. A further comparison against a family tree timeline can also help to validate findings; I say HELPS TO VALIDATE and not VERIFIES. The two should demonstrate some parallels, timelines, origins and relationships.
To make the following statements about who I am, I use the resources of CRI genetics, Ancestry and My Heritage DNA testing results aligned by past generations on my genealogical family tree. DNA reveals a pattern with scientific accuracy but also has an element of random selection.
SUMMARY. In RED Continental. In BLUE regional. In GREEN geographic subsets.
Collectively I am 98% European.
38% British Isles
Of which 9 parts are English/Anglo Saxon and 91 parts are central Scotland (Fife) Celtic, (Norse. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, or misnomer- Viking).
30% Flemish and Germanic
Very broadly the area from Dunkirk – Ghent – Cologne – Brandenburg – Leipzig – Warsaw.
13% Slavic
9% French (Brittany and subset Norse).
4% Italian
2% Spanish
2% other
2% other
This may seem a very broad catch-all approach, but it is a realistic scenario based on DNA results and proven family lines. The process of dilution of pedigree over a relatively a short time reflects social change over a few generations at a time when politics, commerce and history were changing at great speed.